Arbor Education

Arbor Education

We’re on a mission to transform the way schools work for the better by reducing the time between insight and intervention at a national level.

Arbor is currently the largest cloud Student Information System in the UK - providing intuitive insights to over 10,000 schools across the country, and automating all the repetitive tasks that get in the way of great teaching.

We use the data collected from all Arbor schools to provide a live picture of how education is being delivered across the country, in real-time.

This can finally help governments test and track the impact of policy initiatives quickly and accurately, making the entire education system more transparent, data-driven and responsive to change.

A recent example of this in action was the Greater London Authority, who used Arbor’s national data to swiftly justify a £135m investment into providing free school meals for all 210,000 primary school children in London who didn’t previously qualify. This decision is now being rolled out in Scotland and Wales.

Case study: How Arbor helped the Greater London Authority (GLA) to evidence its Universal Free School Meal Programme.