Concept note for the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report on technology and education

Concept note for the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report on technology and education

3rd April 2023

This note reviews how technology in education is described in the Incheon Declaration and the Education 2030 Framework for Action, the foundational documents of SDG 4, and how its relevance has increased in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It then discusses the often bitterly divided views of the role of technology.

The note then outlines (i) key challenges in education to which appropriate use of high technology and low technology can offer solutions, while recognizing that other applications of technology may also be detrimental and (ii) system-wide conditions that need to be met for technology in education to reach its full potential. Selected examples of other technologies and the role they can play in education are also discussed. Finally, the next steps in the preparation of the report are listed.

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